Is their Any Earning Tricks In ?

Yes their are many tricks to earn from These tricks are given below Follow All steps.

Use of bot or autoclicker of

        I have found a very interesting trick to earn from
This trick is about a bot of or may can say autoclicker of
In this trick we are exchanging links of eachother
And put these links in bot for auto view or visits
For example
Ali visits link of Asif
And Asif visits link of Ali
You visit my link
And i visit your link
So due to this both of them will get visits on their links
And both will get real money in their account
If you have 100 friends and all are using
You can take 1 link from each of your friends
For example
You take 1 link from friend ''A''
And 1 link from friend ''B''
And so gather or get 100 links from your 100 friend
And now you will have 100 links for view
So you will have 100 links of
Now you visit all these links one by one
So after viewing all links of your 100 friends
All of your friends will get 1 view in their accounts
Mean all 100 friends each of them will get 1 1 view in their account
So due to you they all get view and real is added in their account
Now give these 100 links to your same friends or that 100 friends
Which have given you these 100 links
So all these will also have 100 links
Mean all 100 friends will have links of eachother
Now ask all of them to visit these links
So all of these will all 100 links
Now all 100 friends will have 100 views in their accounts
Because they all 100 have visited eachother links
And all will get real money in their accounts
In this trick more people you have to exchange links , more views all of you will get

What Is Bot Or AutoClicker Of ?

  bot is a software or may can say a kind of browser bot allow to add link
In bot you can add links and can visit links by starting bot
For example
In this snapshot can you see bot

                                    You can open its browsing tab by click on side bar

                                After that you can add link by clicking on Green button

                                                    This will be shown as

                                                        In the link bar you can add link

Click on ok
Your link will be added
Now you can view the link
Set timer to 26 second and click on start

Now your link will be visited
Such as you can see in this snapshot

You can see that the bot is showing in right corner in bottom
And 1 browsed which have done

Can I Add Multiple Links In Bot ?
Yes you can add multiple links in bot by clicking load button
First make a note pad file in which you have to add links which you want to visit

Now select this file by clicking on load in bot

Now select the file in which you have added links

Now click on open button

Your all links will be shown in the bot

Now set the timer to 26 second and click on start

Now your all links will be visited one by one with delay of 26 second

How Can I Download Bot ?
You can download AdFly bot v5 (Auto Clicker ) from here with below link

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