Earn 10$ Daily By Using This Trick

Adf.ly :-

Adf,ly is a Advertising website which pay you when you bring visitors to this website
Adf.ly is a Cpm website
Adf.ly gives you real money when some one visits adf.ly through you
Adf.ly gives the opportunity to shrink links
Adf.ly pays monthly to its some members
Adf.ly support Paypal , Payoneer , Payza for payment

If You Don't Have Adf.ly Account You Can Make It By Using This Link below

What is Cpm ?
Cpm means '' Cost Per Impression '' which means
That if some one visits on your blog or website
Where you have putted Cpm banner then you will be get paid on each visit.
In Adf.ly you will be also paid through Cpm but in this you don't need blog or website

How Someone Can Visits Adf.ly Through Me ?
Adf.ly give opportunity to shrink links
Through which anyone can visit adf.ly by you

What Is Shrink Links ?
It's a way through which you can make large links short
Such as
It's a Coinbase referral link but its long
After shrinking in Adf.ly it will be shown as

How Can I Use Adf.ly Shrink Links ?
You can use these links every where
You can post these links in social media
Such as Facebook , Twitter , Nimbuzz , Forums etc
You can post these links in you blog or websites

What Adf.ly Gets When I Post These Links ?
You posts these links some where
If someone click on these links
That person will be directly go to adf.ly advertising page
Where that person have to wait for 5 second

After that if visiter click on skip ad

That visiter will be go to the website of which you have shrink link
So due to this adf.ly get visiter on adf.ly website
And that visiter is came through your shrink link

What I Gets When Visitor Came Through Shrink Links ?

When a visitor came through your shrink link
You get real money in your adf.ly account
Which you can withdraw
Withdraw is on monthly bases

How much i get on 1 visiter ?

It's depended on Cpm in your account
If Cpm is high you will get high price
And its different in different countries
In Pakistan it's in average 0.73
Average changes on monthly bases

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